June 14, 2006

As a Man Thinketh - Part I

This is an old adage in the holy books: "As you think so shall you be." It means that what we think about expands, and we become what we think about. Dr. Wayne Dyer tells us that we get more of what we think about all day long. Other philosophers, both ancient and modern, have echoed these sentiments. And in the book of Proverbs is written "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

Shakespeare's Hamlet said something similar "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."

The power of our thoughts brings about our reality. If we think an event, an experience, or a situation is bad, we will react to it as if it is bad. Similarly, if we are consumed by thoughts of failure, pain, suffering, adversity, and lack, we will continue to dwell in those circumstances.

So the gurus tell us "change your thoughts". Think positively. Ah, yes. Easier said than done.

When you are immersed in a bad situation, perhaps you are physically, spiritually, emotionally, or financially bankrupt, it's hard to think of little else. You can "think good thoughts" -- up to the point that the phone rings and it's a creditor demanding payment, or another disheartening report from the hospital.

When you are consumed by the problem of making your rent, or buying enough food for your children, or digging out from beneath crushing debt, it's a little hard to think about how wonderful life is. What a cruel paradox! To change our circumstances we need to think positively, but to think positively we need to have a change in circumstances.

Changing one's thoughts is a simple matter of just doing it. If I told you right now to think of a green giraffe with purple polkadots, you could do it instantly. And you could instantly move from that thought to one of a golden acorn, then a rose, and even a plaid chameleon. That's not the problem.

The problem is maintaining this positive outlook when you are being bombarded by negative circumstances.

There are three things that will help you do this:
  • Prayer/Meditation
  • Service
  • Decision

First, whether or not you believe in God, pray or meditate for that happy circumstance which you desire. Ask the universe for it. Pour out your heart in prayer, your troubles, your fears, and your needs and wants. Make a connection with the infinite, no matter what you believe it to be. Personally, I like the idea of God my Heavenly Father being able to hear my prayers, even if I don't get the answers I want. No matter. It is the mechanism of prayer that can work in your life. That act of mentally (and emotionally) considering, and meditating, about workable solutions to your problems helps trigger the creative, problem-solving part of your subconscious. It also helps you feel better and gives you more peace. Note that the key here is to infuse your prayers with gratitude for the circumstances you DO have. See Attitude of Gratitude.

Next, forget yourself in service to others. When you are doing something for someone else, out of the goodness of your heart, you are focused on their problems, not yours. That relief from your own misery feels pretty good and stops the reinforcement of those things you don't want, if only for a time. You may even notice that your problems are not as great as those of whom you serve. Either way, it gives you a positive boost to do something generous for someone else. In a situation where you are depressed and your resources are exhausted you might think that you have nothing to give -- no time, no energy, and your heart's not in it. Do it anyway. Pick something manageable, or even stretch yourself. It will benefit you greatly. Do it with a charitable attitude, not a grumbling one. If all you can do is smile at someone else, or share a kind word with a harried salesperson, or pick up the phone and make one uplifting phone call, that is a valuable act of service.

Finally, make a decision within yourself that you will choose the higher road. If you are cut off in traffic, don't curse the other driver but bless them instead. If you are browbeaten by a creditor, say a prayer for them afterward. Choose love, not hate. Sure, you have every right to hate, or be resentful, or be discouraged. But shake it off. Make the supreme effort to choose the positive road. Be a transmitter of the highest and best emotions and attitude toward other people. This act alone, can begin to turn your life around. What you send out comes back to you.

You will have noticed that these three actions turn your thoughts toward the light rather than the darkness. These three things that you can do will keep your thinking in a more positive, service-oriented, prayerful, and faith-filled channel. As you think, so shall you be. As you think of ways to love and serve, you will become more able to do so.

And the universe will respond in kind.


At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this timely advice. The bottom line for me, is the question "Why am I concerned?" once I remembered to trust that unseen force that is God to many I knew the answer. Trust more.


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