June 07, 2005

Joy in Sorrow

That seems like a paradox, doesn't it? I used to say that anyone who can be joyful during hard times isn't fully aware of the facts. How can we be joyful when we are in the midst of sorrow?

Believe it or not, joy doesn't come from an assessment of our circumstances. Joy is completely and entirely created by our choice to be joyful.
  • That means looking for the cloud's silver lining or the hidden blessing in the situation.
  • It means refusing to be beaten down in your soul (mind, will and emotions) by what is happening.
  • It means allowing your spirit to soar in the knowledge that better days are ahead, even though the evidence may seem overwhelming to the contrary.
  • It means taking action to create good everywhere you go, and to fight back against the encroaching darkness by sowing light.
  • It means looking for and finding simple pleasures, such as a sunrise, a beautiful flower, a child's laugh, a happy puppy. We can be lifted up by these small miracles even though we are in the deepest trough of trouble.
  • It means making a conscious decision to seek joy in all of its forms -- happiness, contentment, pleasure, delight, appreciation, admiration, laughter, and hope.

Do what you can to create or find joy, and take pleasure in small victories.


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